As a broadly trained geographer, my research interests encompass in the realm of physical/environmental geography and geographic information science. My past research in the graduate school at the Pennsylvania State University includes constructing a GIS-based distributed hydrologic model for a large river basin in Bulgaria, assessing potential impacts of climate change on hydrology and water resources for the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States, and simulating spatiotemporal variations of water quality for a tributary of the Danube River. Building upon my dissertation research, which examines complex interactions of climate change and land use change in streamflow and nutrient loads for Pennsylvania watersheds, I am currently investigating forms and processes of dynamic watershed systems in the Pacific Northwest and large river basins in Asia . My current research projects include 1) Hydrology and water quality effects of urbanization and climate change (funded by NSF, Miller Foundation, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Korea, and Portland State University), 2) Integrated climate change impact assessment on transportation infrastructure (funded by OTREC), 3) Hydrologic ecosystem services in a changing climate and population growth (funded by Miller Foundation), 4) Spatial database development for snow survey and water supply forecasting (funded by USDA-NRCS), 5) Use of weather and climate information for resilient urban water resource management (funded by NOAA-SARP), 6) Assessing the effectiveness of geovisualization in teaching spatial quantitative analysis and climate change (funded by NSF), and 7) Comparative studies of urban stream restoration. Integrating and coupling of biophysical and human factors are essential for studying complex watershed systems. Thus, my emphasis in using various geocomputational methods developed in GIScience and artificial intelligence is aimed at representing watersheds as complex, hierarchical, and nested systems created and modified by hybrid natural and anthropogenic factors. Hence, my research is integrative and interdisciplinary in nature, which is increasingly important for collaborative research.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference."  - Robert Frost


1. Review papers (* student author)

Praskievicz, S,* and Chang, H. (2009) A review of hydrologic modelling of basin-scale climate change and urban development impacts, Progress in Physical Geography 33(5): 650-671.

Chang, H. and Franczyk, J.* (2008) Climate change, land use change, and floods: Toward an integrated assessment. Geography Compass 2(5): 1549-1579. DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2008.00136.x

Chang, H. and C. Kim (2004) Recent research trend in American geomorphology and hydrogeography, Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 39: 873-887.

2. Climate variability and hydroclimatology

  Praskievcz, S.*, and Chang, H. (2009) Winter precipitation intensity and ENSO/PDO variability in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. International Journal of Climatology 29(13): 2033-2039.

Chang, H. and Kwon, W-T. (2007) Spatial patterns of summer precipitation trends in South Korea, 1973-2005 Environmental Research Letters 2 045012 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/2/4/045012

Bae, D-H, Jung, I-W., and Chang. H. (2008) Long-term trend of precipitation and runoff in Korean river basins. Hydrological Processes 22(14): 2644-2656

3. Climate change impact assessment  

Im, E-S, I-W Jung, H. Chang, D-H Bae, W-T Kwon, (2009) Hydroclimatological Response to Dynamically Downscaled Climate Change Simulations for Korean Basins. Climatic Change (DOI 10.1007/s10584-009-9691-2).

Franczyk, J.* and Chang, H. (2009) The effects of climate change and urbanization on runoff of the Rock Creek basin in the Portland metropolitan area, Oregon, USA. Hydrological Processes 23(6): 805-815  

Bae, D-H. Jung, I-W., and Chang. H. (2007) Potential impacts of climate change on regional water resources in Korea by using a high resolution scenario. Climate Research 35:213-226.

Franczyk, J.* and Chang, H. (2007) Economic impacts of climate change on water resources: Toward spatially-explicit impact assessments The Geographical Journal of Korea 41(4): 361-375.

Chang, H., J. Franczyk,* I-S Im, W-T. Kwon, D-H. Bae, and I-W. Jung (2007) Vulnerability of Korean water resources to climate change and population growth. Water Science and Technology 56(4): 57-62.

Graves, D.* and H. Chang (2007) Hydrologic impacts of climate change in the Upper Clackamas basin of Oregon. Climate Research, 33(2): 143-157.

Chang, H. (2004) Water quality impacts of climate and land use changes in southeastern Pennsylvania. The Professional Geographer, 56: 240-257.

Chang, H. (2003) Basin hydrologic response to changes in climate and land use: The Conestoga River Basin, Pennsylvania. Physical Geography, 24: 222-247.

Chang, H., C. G. Knight, M. P. Staneva, and D. Kostov (2002) Water resource impacts of climate change in southwestern Bulgaria. GeoJournal, 57: 159-168.

Chang, H., B. M. Evans, and D. R. Easterling. (2001) The effects of climate change on stream flow and nutrient loading. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 37: 973-985.

Neff, R., H. Chang, C. G. Knight, R. Najjar, B. Yarnal and H. Walker. (2000) Impacts of climate variation and change on Mid-Atlantic region hydrology and water resources. Climate Research, 14: 207-218.

4. Water use and demand, water resource management

Chang, H., Parandvash, H. and Shandas, V. (2009) Spatial variations of single family residential water use in Portland, Oregon, Urban Geography

House-Peters, L*, Pratt, B*. and Chang, H. (2009) Effects of urban spatial structure, sociodemographics, and climate on residential water consumption in Hillsboro, Oregon, Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Praskievicz, S.*, and Chang, H. (2009) Identifying the relationships between urban water consumption and weather variables in Seoul, Korea. Physical Geography 30(4):324-337.

Franczyk, J.* and Chang, H. (2009) Spatial analysis of water use in Oregon, USA, 1985 – 2005 Water Resources Management 23(4): 755-774.

Chang, H. J. Franczyk,* and D-H. Bae (2006) Putting climate change into water resource management: Adaptation efforts in the U.S. U.K., Canada, Australia, and the Netherlands. Journal of Environmental Policy, 5(4): 19-50

5. Urban hydrololgy and water quality

Duh, J., Shandas, V., Chang, H., and George, L. (2008) Rates of urbanization and the resilience of air and water quality. Science of the Total Environment 400 (1-3): 238-256

Chang, H. (2008) Spatial analysis of water quality trends in the Han River basin, South Korea. Water Research 42: 3285-3304

Boeder, M.* and Chang, H. (2008) Multi-scale analysis of oxygen demand trends in an urbanizing Oregon watershed. Journal of Environmental Management 87(4): 567-581

Levell, A.* and H. Chang (2008) Monitoring the Channel Process of a Stream Restoration Project in an Urbanizing Watershed: A Case Study of Kelley Creek, Oregon, USA River Research and Applications 24(2): 169-182

Chang, H. (2007) Streamflow characteristics in urbanizing basins in the Portland Metropolitan Area, OR, USA. Hydrological Processes, 21(2): 211-222.

Chang, H. and Carlson, T. (2005) Water quality during winter storm events in Spring Creek, Pennsylvania, USA. Hydrobiologia, 544: 321-332.

Chang, H. (2005) Spatial and temporal variations of water quality in the Han River and its tributaries, Seoul, Korea, 1993-2002. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 161: 267-284.

6. Urban floods

Chang, H. Lafrenz, M. Jung, I-W., Figliozzi, M., Platman, D. and Pederson, C. (2009) Potential impacts of climate change on flood-induced travel disruption: A case study of Portland in Oregon, USA. Annals of the Association of American Geographers

Chang, H. Franczyk, J.* and Kim, C. (2009) What is responsible for flood risks? The case of Gangwon province, Korea. Natural Hazards 48 (3): 339-354.

7. GIS and hydrologic modeling

Knight, C. G., H. Chang, M. Staneva, and D. Kostov. (2001) A Simple Basin Model for Simulating Runoff: The Struma River GIS. The Professional Geographer, 53(4): 533-545.

Knight, C. G., J. J. Carmichael, H. Chang, D. Dimitrov, B. M. Evans, J. M. Hamlett, T. N. Hristov, V. D. Ioncheva, I. I. Nikolov, M. P. Staneva, and P. S. Varbanov. (2001) Comprehensive Watershed Management: A Spatial Water Quality Assessment System. Report for U.S. National Science Foundation. University Park and Sofia, PA and Bulgaria.

8. Water education

Chang, H. (2008) Teaching water sustainability through visuals and student-based learning. Oregon English Journal 30(2): 48-51.

9. Integrated Regional Assessment of Global Climate Change

Chang, H. (2002) The Political Economy of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Three Asian Countries. Asian Perspective, 26(2): 237-267.

Knight, C.G., D. Abler, E. Barron, J. Carmichael, H. Chang, R. Crane, M. Easterling, W. Easterling, A. Fisher, A. Glasmeier, P. Kocagil, S. Lachman, S. Matthews, C. Polsky, A. Rose, J. Shortle, L. Tran, and B. Yarnal. (2003) A Framework for Integrated Regional Assessment of Global Climate Change. University Park, PA.

Chang, H. and C. G. Knight. (1999) A Conceptual Model for Climate Impact Assessment: Integrated Regional Assessment, Publications of the Annual Meeting of the Korean Geographical Society, pp. 56-59. Pusan, Korea (In Korean).


Association of American Geographers

American Geophysical Union


American Water Resources Association

Korean Geographical Society


Oregon Academy of Sciences


International Association of Hydrological Sciences