Assumed knowledge from previous math courses


I will probably add to this list as we go along. The idea here is that if this is not stuff lots of people know, you should tell me and this is stuff you should try to brush up on if you feel you are weak on it.


How to calculate a mean and a median average. (Including knowing the difference between the two.)


How to calculate a standard deviation.


The shapes of normal distributions.


The above are all from probability and stats, which apparently is not something a lot of people have had. (My mistake, I figured that this stuff was taught in high school math.) But they are pretty straightforward calculations - the biggest trick (probably) is figuring out how to do them on your calculator.


What do graphs show us? This one is critical - we show tons of X vs. Y plots and expect that you know what they mean.


Basic algebra.


(Later) Linear algebra - i.e., how to solve systems of linear equations for parameters.


Linear regression analysis - this one we will get to early in the class, and I will ask if you have seen it before, hopefully you have.