Assumed knowledge from General Chemistry (prerequisite)


I will probably add to this list as we go along. The idea here is that if this is not stuff lots of people know, you should tell me and this is stuff you should try to brush up on if you feel you are weak on it.


Lots of stuff in the lab (how to pipet, use volumetric flasks, balances, burets, etc.) including how to do an indicator based acid-base titration. (But a lot of this stuff is described in SWH Ch. 35 and elsewhere, and we have two really great TAs in the lab that are happy to help you if you are unsure.)


Precision and accuracy


Error types - systematic and random, constant and relative


Significant figure convention (including during calculations)


Rounding numbers for final answers (SWH has new convention for 5s)


Dimensional analysis (a fancy phrase for using units in your calculations - this one is a real lifesaver in this class and in the lab.)


Mass / molar mass / moles calculations


Mass / density / volume calculations


Molarity / moles / volume calculations


Balancing chemical equations / obtaining stoichiometric relationships from BCEs


Titration calculations (i.e., putting all of the above calculations together.)


Basic equilibrium calculations.


Weak acids and bases - pH.


Buffers - Henderson Hass. Eqn.