Your name:____[Example]_________________
Title of story/article:_The Recurring Dream_________
Journal #:________
Journal Answers: FICTION
1. Describe the place where most of the action or the most
important action happens.
In London
and the countryside outside London
2. Who are the main characters? (Characters are the people in the story.)
Kim Clark
roommate, Janet Wilson
a little
old man
3. What happens in the story? (Write two or more sentences in your own
words to tell what happens.)
Kim Clark has a recurring dream. In the dream she sees a small
house and a little old man. It disturbs her, so she goes for a drive in
the country with her roommate. She sees the house from her dream, and knocks
on the door. The old man answers the door, and recognizes Kim. She is the
"ghost" that visits almost every day.
5. What is your opinion of the story? (Did you like or dislike it?)
I thought it was okay--not good, not
I thought the main point was interesting--what
is real and what is not real? Are there parallel worlds?
However, it just wasn't very exciting for me.
Journal Answers: NONFICTION
1. What are two of the most important points about the article?
2. Choose one of the points above. What is your opinion
of it?
3. Did you like or dislike the article?
Why or why not?