Grading Scale for All Courses

This is the grading system that I use for all of my courses. Your other teachers may use a different system, so be sure to check with them. I will be happy to show your grades to you and explain them at any time. Please feel free to come see me in my office if you ever have any questions.

 plus                       A+/97-100%          A/93-96          A-/90-92

 check plus             B+/87-89               B/83-86           B-/80-82

 check                    C+/77-79                C/73-76          C-/70-72

check minus          D+/67-69               D/63-66          D-/60-62        *

minus                    F/0-59                   NC/no credit                     *



Last updated 9/23/97 by Margaret Young