Classical Linear Model

Dummy Variables and Structural Change

Dummy Variable

Structural Change

A regression model may have different values of estimated parameters over several different subsamples. Suppose there are two non-overlapping subsamples with N1 and N2 observations respectively. Let N = N1+N2, and consider the following two separate regression equations:

Yi = Xiβ(1) + εi,     i=1,2,...,N1
Yj = Xjβ(2) + εj,     j=N1+1,N1+2,...,N1+N2(=N)

If β(1)≠β(2), the model is said to have different structure for the two subsamples.

Hypothesis Testing of the Structural Change

H0: β(1) = β(2)
H1: β(1) ≠ β(2)